Terms and Conditions

All Auto will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of this site are accurate and up to date but does not accept any liability for any claims or losses arising from a reliance upon the contents of the Site. Some of the information on this Site may not be correct due to product changes which may have occurred since it was launched. For the actual product specifications contact the dealer directly or contact All Auto. We make no warranty that the Website (or websites which are linked to the Website) is free from computer viruses or any other harmful or damaging computer programs. Please ensure that your computer is protected with appropriate anti-virus software.

We are not liable for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions caused by matters beyond our reasonable control. All Auto is not responsible for the conduct of any of our Service Providers and any other 3rd party that may be represented within our service offerings. All Auto makes no representations, whether express or implied regarding the vehicles that appear on our website, nor we give any guarantees or warranties regarding the vehicle, its type, make, condition, mileage or ownership or any other information pertinent to the vehicle that appears on the All Auto website. All Auto offers no recourse what so ever for any vehicle that is available through any of our services. All Auto is an advertising site and we cannot give any guarantee that your vehicle will be sold privately or purchased by any dealers.